Conversation About Creative Flow

A blissful state - the feeling that everything just works and falls into place effortlessly. A state of creative flow. But what does it look like in the brain? What processes are happening there when we are in a state of creative flow, and what can these findings teach us? In this post, I share … Continue reading Conversation About Creative Flow

Spreading the Word: Creativity and Uncertainty

This Friday I share with you a short video on the relationship between creativity and uncertainty, and what neuroscience has to say about it. A lot of interesting and illuminating insights offered in a clear language by a neuroscientist Beau Lotto. What can feel more uncertain than the state of not knowing? And yet, "Creativity … Continue reading Spreading the Word: Creativity and Uncertainty

Spreading the Word: Mind-Body Unity

This Friday I share with you a short video on the mind-body unity. It is a hugely important and vastly underestimated truth about us, humans - we are not simply minds in machines, our bodies are not just tools attached to the brain, we are, each of us, a complex unity of a constant mind-body … Continue reading Spreading the Word: Mind-Body Unity

Spreading the Word: New Research on Emotions

This Friday I share with you a fascinating TED talk on emotions. In it, the neuroscientist and professor of psychology Lisa Feldman Barrett talks about the latest research and findings on the nature of our emotions. Where do they come from, what they are, to what extent we can control them, and more. Frankly, I … Continue reading Spreading the Word: New Research on Emotions

Spreading the Word: Your Thoughts Matter

This Friday I share with you a short video on the fascinating trait of our brain - neuroplasticity. What does it mean? In very simple terms - our brain remains flexible and constantly adapts and learns throughout our lives. I referred to this in my last article on the evolutionary science behind our belief forming … Continue reading Spreading the Word: Your Thoughts Matter